Sunday 1 January 2017

Hello 2017!

Its now officially 2017....can you believe it? I can't. 2016 at times felt like to took a lifetime to get through and others felt like a blur! I did my recap of my 2016 yesterday for you all, so today I wanted to share my goals for 2017 here and I'm super excited to focus on a new year with one major goal which all my smaller goals will be focused on and that is:

For those who know me behind my blog, they know I'm a bit of a workaholic. Like many others, I work a full-time job which is a 38 hour week with around an hour to an hour and 15-minute round trip commute. On top of this, I run my blog space, which with my photo shoots and blog posts take a big chunk of my weekend and evening time. I also run my own small business which has blossomed beyond my wildest thoughts in 2017! And all of this has taken a lot of hard work and with how passionate I can get, it can make it hard to switch off mentally and physically which has lead to a LOT of very late nights and extremely full weekends. Having time off recently kind of highlighted to me that in 2017 that needs to change as this approach has thrown a lot of my life out of balance. 

So what does that mean for me? Each goal I set is set with the aim of helping to create more balance back in my life, whether it be for my health, my job or my business. So I've broken my approach into different areas of my life which are important: Family Life, Career/Financial, Mental/Education, Physical/Health, Social/Cultural and Spiritual/Ethical

Family Life

In 2017 I really want more balance for my family life, especially with now working opposing hours to my partner. I want to have more dedicated time with each other and more quality time outside of work stuff. I'd also like to get more time with my family and younger siblings, who live almost 3 hours away. They're still at that age where I'd like to be able to spend more time with them like I have over the past holidays but with more regularity.

Financial and Career 

By the end of 2017, I'd like to be in a position I can reduce my full-time job. I'm still incredibly grateful to have my full-time job. I know some people truly struggle with finding full-time employment. I just want to work a job that I love and I'd like to get to the point I can pull a wage from my small businesses by the end of 2017. That would be amazing.

Mental and Educational

One of my biggest aims for 2017 is traveling more. As someone who has never really traveled all that much it's something I'd really like to start doing more of. As travel is something that is still rather intimidating to me, I'm aiming for 12 months of domestic travel with hopes of traveling internationally in 2018!

Physical and Health

I've been talking about this a fair bit on social media in the past few months. In 2017 I want to get fitter again and in the process get back to a healthier weight for my body. This goal is to help settle some health issues I've had since my weight gain and to help me be more comfort physically in my own skin. I want to do this though in a way that I enjoy to help increase my body positivity feels, I don't want working out to feel like a punishment.

Social and Cultural

In 2016 I was fortunate to make some absolutely amazing friends. While the bullying I talked about in my 2016 recap did scare me off attending so many of the events I used to,  I'd like to get back to attending some events in 2017 and meeting some more amazing people. I'd also like to get to know more deeply the people I met in 2016 as well.

Spiritual and Ethical

In 2017 I want to continue my self-love journey. I want to really begin to share more of my beliefs about body positivity, how it fits into who I am and how I believe it can be a big part of your lives too. I want to continue my self-love journey and continue to believe in my own self-worth based on my own self-beliefs and not the beliefs of others. 

I'm looking forward to bringing you guys more content outside of just doing reviews in 2017 and in documenting my own journey to balance in 2017!

I hope you all enjoy your New Years day! I'm still babysitting my siblings until tomorrow but I'm looking forward to getting back to my regular posts and shooting some amazing looks for review this year.

Til next time darlings

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